- Duplicate Org Beamer Title Slides
- The Preacher’s Eternal Obligation
- Who We Ignore
- Attendance Sheets in Org Mode
- Replicating Emacs Everywhere with Keyboard Maestro
- Dot Operators for Logical And
- Back to School
- Updating the Time Stamp
- Creating an RSS Feed
- Stay Warm!
- Making Tag Pages in an Org Mode Blog
- Be Kind
- End of the Semester
- Blogging with Org Mode
- Moving the Site
- Installing Auctex with Straight
- Beamer Article and Org Mode
- Converting Org Files to Canvas Quizzes
- Org, Diary, and Dashboard
- Fixing a HomePod Stuck in Configuration
- Emacs Literate Config
- Still Cancer Free in 2023
- Emacs From Scratch
- Introduction to Existentialism
- Indoctrinating Students
- Fixing Emacs Doom Upgrade
- Doom Native Compiler Error
- Testing Some Functions
- New Hugo Functions
- Venn Diagrams in LaTeX
- List Spacing in Org Mode with Enumitem
- Org Mode Footnotes in Hugo
- Updating the Site
- Styling Arguments in Org Mode
- Harmony of the Gospels
- Arara and Latexmk
- Sticking with Hugo
- Reformation Sunday
- LaTeX Compilation Scripts
- Copying Files with Fish
- Org Export to PDF with Arara
- Abbreviate Path to iCloud Files in Emacs
- Workflow with Hugo and Org Mode
- Blogging with Org Mode in Hugo
- Styled Pages in Canvas
- Arguments in HTML
- On the Use of Political Pejoratives
- Beamer Presentations with Org Mode
- Emacs Org-Capture
- Thoughts on COVID-19
- Some Thoughts on Mass Shootings
- Free Shows in the Hospital
- Prayer for Trinity Sunday
- What We Need
- Insurance Update
- Insurance Woes
- Cancer
- Questions and Answers
- Thoughts on The Fine-Tuning Argument
- Prayer for the Fifth Sunday of Epiphany
- Growth
- Theology on Tap
- A Gift for Us
- Success
- Finals Week
- Prayer for Pittsburgh
- My Oklahoma Home
- Thurman on Christian Power
- Prayer for Labor Day
- An Ancient Christian Epitaph
- Benediction
- Pascal on Might and Right
- Family Separation at the Borders
- Homily for Maundy Thursday
- The Art of Taxation
- Benediction
- Prayer in Times of Fear
- Homily for Ash Wednesday
- Truth Tables in LaTeX
- Move to WordPress
- Prayer for the Fourth Sunday of Advent
- Ordination Prayer
- No Democrat Voted for What?
- Ethics of War Handout
- Moltmann on Peace
- Prayer for Times of Grief
- When the Idols are Destroyed
- The Burden of Freedom
- Do Not Be Daunted
- In Offense, Giving Thanks
- On Passing Judgment
- Be the Body of Christ
- A Prayer for My Failing Faith
- A New School Year
- “Prayer for Graceful Words”
- Prayer to See What Could Be
- Moving to Hugo
- Making Beautiful Things
- Publishing to Jekyll with Editorial on iOS
- Pentecost Prayer
- Favorite Bad Amazon Review
- Prayer for Finals Week
- Real Riches
- Thoughts on Trump and the Johnson Amendment
- O’Connor on Evil
- Prayer for Easter
- Prayer for Holy Saturday
- Prayer for Good Friday
- Thoughts on Maundy Thursday
- Prayer for Palm Sunday
- The Betrayer
- Sliding Down the Banister of Life
- The Lamb of God
- Who Is My God?
- Obama’s Economic Record
- Usury in Oklahoma
- Voices of the Marginalized
- Brueggemann on the Crisis in the Church
- Emacs Markdown Indentation
- Prayer for Ash Wednesday
- Good Advice
- Give Me Words of Grace
- Prayer for the Silenced
- Political Engagement — a Prayer
- Prayer for the Fight
- Prayer in Times of Change
- Nietzsche on Military Buildup
- The Sin of Ambivalence
- Disagreement and Being Wrong
- Prayer for the New Year
- Walls
- Christmas Prayer
- Christmas Communion Liturgy
- Prayer for Advent 4
- The Offensive Jesus
- The Frailty of Love
- The Rise of Fake News
- Prayer of Hope
- Gratitude Over Despair
- Housman on Thought
- On Christian Unity
- To Love or Die
- Hands that Crucify
- Prayer of St. Thomas
- Vonnegut on the Presidency
- After the Election — Love
- The Idol of the Poll
- Interesting Times
- Prayer for All Saints Day
- Prayer Before the Election
- The Silent Jesus
- Confirmation Bias and the Clinton Foundation
- The Uselessness of Political Fact-Checking
- Planting a Tree
- Race, Police Shooting, and Probability
- The Eyes of Faith
- The Ballad of Mitch Randall
- Friends in the Darkness
- Benediction for 22 Shenanigans
- A Prayer of Thanks for Friends
- Let Me Be Known
- A Funeral Benediction
- A Wedding Prayer and Blessing
- Should the Church Bear the Welfare Burden?
- Prayer After a Tragic Week
- Automating Jekyll with Fish
- Prayer for the Nation
- The Real Mover
- To Love People As They Are
- Emacs on the iPad
- Prayer for the Twenty-Two
- Dont Be Afraid
- Prayer for Orlando
- Formatting Poetry
- Pull Quotes
- Teach Me to Sing
- Indifference
- Reconciliation and Hope
- Prayer for Our Fears
- Prayer for Pentecost
- A Mothers Day Prayer
- Prayer for Freedom
- For Those Who Are Labeled
- Prayer for a Busy Week
- The Fear of Risk
- Venn Diagrams with LaTeX and TikZ
- A Baptism Prayer
- Ignorance is Easy
- Thomas the Faithful
- Holy Saturday
- Prayer for Good Friday
- Prayer for Maundy Thursday
- Prayer for Palm Sunday
- Rejecting Exclusion
- Faith and Power
- Girard on Blame and Innocence
- Prayer for the Desert
- Truth, Beauty, and Peace
- Prayer for New Life
- The Ashes of Our Idols
- Prayer for Ash Wednesday
- Outside the Beautiful Gate
- Strength and Wisdom
- The Body Just Quits
- Dancing Before God
- Gifts Both Great and Small
- Prayer Before Traveling
- Prayer for the New Year
- Buechner on Compassion
- Prayer for the Fourth Sunday of Advent
- Prayer for the Joy of Advent
- The Idol of Security
- Religion and Culture
- Prayer of Hope
- Thanksgiving Prayer
- Prayer for My Pettiness
- A Prayerful Response
- LaTeX-Skim Sync
- To Dance Without Care
- Prayer for All Saints Day
- Reformation Day Prayer
- Mistaken Priorities
- For the Moments of Darkness
- What Are You Afraid Of?
- Prayer for a Unified Church
- Gun Violence — A Prayer
- The Perfect Church
- Dostoevsky on Hell
- The Planted Church
- Big-Haired Preachers
- No Innocence
- Hiding in Gods Own Sanctuary
- Go to Your Pastor for Depression?
- The Day is Short
- Pie in the Sky
- Prayer for the Kingdom
- Strength Enough?
- Courage for Transformation
- Open Dired From Shell
- Guns, Cakes, and Gay Weddings
- Religious Liberty Sunday, 2015
- Between Love and Hate
- Emacs on OS X
- Happy Birthday, Sheri!
- The Vanity of Our Hope
- To America
- Evil and Perception
- Our Lives as Art
- DuoLingo
- LibriVox
- The Deception of Power
- Lives are Stories — A Prayer
- Stringp, Nil Error in Emacs
- Back to Emacs Prelude
- Prayer for Trinity Sunday
- Emacs Starter Kit
- Love as Art
- Prayer for Memorial Day, 2015
- In Praise of an Unsafe Education
- Blogging with Jekyll and Working Copy
- Visit to a National Cemetery
- Prayer for an Isolated People
- Stories and Community
- Prayer for Mothers Day
- Unexpected Grace
- Prayer for Justice
- Prayer for Silence
- Dostoevsky, Suffering, and the Prayer for the Week
- Resurrection and Hope
- Easter Prayer
- Prayer for Holy Saturday
- Good Friday Prayer
- Maundy Thursday 2015
- Triumph Over Democracy
- Palm Sunday 2015
- The Cross-Shattered Christ, Chapter 4
- The Cross-Shattered Christ, Chapter 5
- Prayer for Lent 5
- Prayer for Lent 4
- The Cross-Shattered Christ, Chapter 3
- Wonder and Concepts
- Santayana on Fanaticism
- Prayer for Lent 3
- Apostolic Living
- The Cross-Shattered Christ, Chapter 2
- Definition of Lawyer
- Prayer for Lent 2
- Ice-T and Politics
- Prayer for Lent 1
- The Cross Shattered Christ, Chapter 1
- The Danger of Thinking
- Ash Wednesday Prayer
- Transfiguration Sunday Prayer
- Poem for my Valentine
- Prayer for a Life that Affirms
- Advice for Those About to be Tested
- The Fine Line
- Prayer for Epiphany 4
- Faith and Doubt
- Prayer for Resolutions
- Cant Fix Stupid
- Who is the Sparrow?
- Christmas Prayer
- Relativism and the Rights of Women in Afghanistan
- The Duty of A Philosopher
- Creating God in Our Own Image
- Praying for Enemies
- Who Is My Enemy?
- Ordination Charge for Brian Warfield
- Stay Awake
- NRA Survey
- Advice from Chesterton
- Scheming Swindlers
- Permanent Impermanence
- Penn Jillette on Science and Religion
- My New Jekyll Site
- Why Jekyll?
- Math Test
- Emacs Blog Test
- Testing Jekyll
- Links in Army Enterprise Email
- Twenty-Third Sunday After Pentecost
- Holy Saturday
- Prayer for the Medicated Preacher
- The Eighteenth Sunday After Pentecost
- the Fifth Sunday of Lent
- For Sheri
- Sadly So Often True
- The Seventh Sunday After Pentecost
- Immersed in Love
- Sublime Text Build for MultiMarkdown
- Third Sunday of Advent
- The Second Sunday of Easter
- Thoughts on Burwell vs. Hobby Lobby
- The Eleventh Sunday After Pentecost
- Twenty-First Sunday After Pentecost
- The Fifteenth Sunday After Pentecost
- Reloading zshrc
- For Losses Endured
- Charge to the Church
- The Third Sunday of Easter
- A Christmas Poem
- The Twelfth Sunday After Pentecost
- Holy Week
- The Tenth Sunday After Pentecost
- Go Into the Fray
- MH17 and Gaza
- Badass Philosophers
- the Fourth Sunday after Pentecost
- Memorial Day Prayer
- A Parents Love
- New Friends
- The Sixteenth Sunday After Pentecost
- The Fifth Sunday After Pentecost
- Twenty-Second Sunday After Pentecost
- Loyal Dissent Within the Church
- Prayer for Compassion
- The Twentieth Sunday After Pentecost
- Hard Thinking
- Thanksgiving Day Prayer
- Talking About Suicide
- The Ninth Sunday After Pentecost
- The Thirteenth Sunday After Pentecost
- The Fourteenth Sunday After Pentecost
- Fourth Sunday of Advent
- Prayer for Easter
- The Third Sunday After Pentecost
- The Fourth Sunday of Easter
- For Those Who Help Us Grow
- The Nineteenth Sunday After Pentecost
- Good Friday
- Maundy Thursday
- Epiphany Sunday
- The Seventeenth Sunday After Pentecost
- Mercy, the Law, and Les Misérables
- Christ the King Sunday
- Muffin Top of Hate
- Reinstalling Apps from Mac App Store
- The Chains of Technology
- Search and Replace with Regular Expressions
- Explain Everything
- Love and Attention
- A Prayer for Wellness
- Scheming Swindlers
- A Sordid Tale of Text Editors
- The Rights of Women in Afghanistan
- Using Keynote in Class
- Reinstalling Apps from the App Store
- Thanksgiving
- Exactly
- A New Law
- Calculating the End — Again and Again
- A Living Mystery
- Needs
- Another One for the Brothers
- The Coconut
- To Speak Truly
- Sleep Deprivation
- Drawing Closer to God Through Quietness
- 1895 Eighth Grade Final Exam
- To Listen
- Tolerance
- The Gospel, Period
- Augustine on Humility
- Bob Feller (1918-2010)
- The Rebel Mary
- Perfect Christianity
- If you could have only one thing for Christmas
- Vanier on Love
- A Chaplain’s Ultimate Sacrifice
- Ethics Without Borders
- The Need for Community
- On Not Understanding Prayer
- Brokenness
- Star Wars
- Descartes First Edition
- Surrender
- Philosophy Street
- Ouch
- God in Our Lives
- Perfection in Weakness
- Baptist Millenials
- The Christian Literary Underground
- Talk or Talk About
- Religious Knowledge Survey
- Brief Habits as the Key to Living Forever
- Rahner
- Why Believe?
- Did I Miss Anything?
- De Unamuno on Arguments
- Greatest Beatles Songs?
- A Mosque in NYC
- Advice for Christian Politicians
- Thomas More on Labor
- Even Preachers
- Merton on Scripture
- Justice
- Bruised for the Gospel
- Whats so funny?
- Pizza Dude Ethics
- Messianic Delusions
- Cognitive Biases Song
- Great Quote From Chaplain School
- Visit to Ft. Moultrie
- Another Great Quote from Chaplain School
- Back When I Could Run
- English Only
- If You Like Bugs…
- Please!
- The Happiness of Deep Conversations
- Proverbs 31:8
- National Procrastination Week
- Hildebrand Conference
- The Luxury of Cheap Melancholy
- Al Staggs in Chapel
- Tradition and Bad Tradition
- The Jane Austen Specials
- Pelikan on Tradition
- Epictetus on Learning
- Ice Storm
- The Disaster in Haiti
- Starting Young
- Change Blindness
- Change Blindness
- Readability
- Weasels
- Kierkegaard’s Mission
- Diversity of Figurines
- Philosophers and Bums
- Weve Got Questions!
- Hitchens
- Kierkegaard on the Couch
- The Monads
- Caring for Pets after the Rapture
- Car Accidents and Conditional Probabilities
- Even More
- Burning Bibles?
- Schusterman Lecture
- Art in the White House
- Brenner on Brahms
- Danto on Warhol
- More Figurines
- Not So Precious Moments
- Cardboard Solicitation Signs
- William Alston, 1921-2009
- Lola and the Avocado
- Humility
- Happy Labor Day!
- Habitat
- Triumph of the Will
- Ellul on Prayer
- Hugh Dancy on Philosophy
- Online education more effective than classroom?
- Good Advice
- Stanford Encyclopedia Article on the Trinity
- Seven Deadly Sins
- Expectations and Grades
- Todays News
- The Monty Hall Problem
- Reconciliation and Hope
- Election Tomorrow
- Moral Relativism
- Richard Dawkins and Harry Potter
- Consciousness
- Indifference
- Academic Reference Software
- Consumer Pornography
- Concern for the Middle Class and Matthew 25
- The Heat
- Evangelical Atheists
- Reading Kierkegaard
- World Food Summit
- Climate Change and Objectivity
- Costa Rica
- Vacation
- International Aid and Religious Freedom
- Millennium Development Goals
- Style Test