Sublime Text Build for MultiMarkdown
Jan 13, 2015 00:00
I added some variants to Brett Terpstra’s Marked.sublime-build file, which is part of the Marked Bonus Pack. It adds options for building tex, opml, and odf files. To build a tex file, open the command palette and search for “MMD to LaTeX.” The file is saved as “Marked.sublime-build” in /Users/YourUserName/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages
. Here is the complete build file:
{ "cmd": ["open","-a","/Applications/","$file"], "selector": "text.html.markdown", "variants": [ { "cmd": ["mmd2tex", "$file"], "path": "/usr/local/bin", "name": "MMD to LaTeX" }, { "cmd": ["mmd2odf", "$file"], "path": "/usr/local/bin", "name": "MMD to ODF" }, { "cmd": ["mmd2opml", "$file"], "path": "/usr/local/bin", "name": "MMD to OPML" } ] }
Happy New Year!
Tagged: Misc