Duplicate Org Beamer Title Slides
Feb 12, 2025 04:08

I recently noticed two problems with my LaTeX Beamer lecture slides that I create using Org mode. First, I suddenly had duplicate title slides. My template began with this:


Deleting that fixed the problem. I guess it just automatically inserts a title slide now. Second, my section and subsection slides weren’t being created. Looking at the *.tex file showed that the sections were using the section* variant. Telling the org file to number the sections fixed the problem. Here’s the line to use:

#+OPTIONS: num:t

Modifying my Beamer theme also fixed the problem. Evidently, it’s pretty simple to specify what should be done with the starred sections in this way:

\AtBeginSection[<text for starred sections>]{<text for unstarred sections}

Tagged: Org Latex