Tagged: Quotes
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- Cant Fix Stupid
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- Definition of Lawyer
- Triumph Over Democracy
- Love as Art
- The Deception of Power
- The Day is Short
- Big-Haired Preachers
- No Innocence
- Dostoevsky on Hell
- What Are You Afraid Of?
- Mistaken Priorities
- Buechner on Compassion
- Girard on Blame and Innocence
- Ignorance is Easy
- Dont Be Afraid
- The Real Mover
- Vonnegut on the Presidency
- Housman on Thought
- Sliding Down the Banister of Life
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- Thurman on Christian Power
- Danto on Warhol
- Ethics Without Borders
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- Kierkegaards Mission
- Epictetus on Learning
- Please!
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- The Danger of Thinking
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- The Idol of the Poll
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- Even Preachers
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- Advice from Chesterton
- Scheming Swindlers
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- Brueggemann on the Crisis in the Church
- Moltmann on Peace
- Perfection in Weakness
- Advice for Those About to be Tested
- Indoctrinating Students
- Ellul on Prayer
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- Strength Enough?
- What We Need
- Be Kind
- Who We Ignore
- The Preacher’s Eternal Obligation