Tagged: Religion
- Pelikan on Tradition
- Even Preachers
- Thomas More on Labor
- Why Believe?
- Talk or Talk About
- The Christian Literary Underground
- Surrender
- The Need for Community
- Scheming Swindlers
- Advice from Chesterton
- Scheming Swindlers
- Who is the Sparrow?
- Apostolic Living
- Wonder and Concepts
- Resurrection and Hope
- Brueggemann on the Crisis in the Church
- Moltmann on Peace
- Perfection in Weakness
- Indifference
- Seven Deadly Sins
- Schusterman Lecture
- Burning Bibles?
- Al Staggs in Chapel
- The Luxury of Cheap Melancholy
- Proverbs 31:../posts/8
- Another Great Quote from Chaplain School
- Messianic Delusions
- Justice
- Merton on Scripture
- Rahner
- Religious Knowledge Survey
- Baptist Millenials
- God in Our Lives
- Brokenness
- Drawing Closer to God Through Quietness
- Calculating the End — Again and Again
- Charge to the Church
- Mercy, the Law, and Les Misérables
- Ordination Charge for Brian Warfield
- Who Is My Enemy?
- The Cross Shattered Christ, Chapter 1
- The Cross-Shattered Christ, Chapter 2
- The Cross-Shattered Christ, Chapter 3
- The Cross-Shattered Christ, Chapter 4
- The Cross-Shattered Christ, Chapter 5
- Pie in the Sky
- Go to Your Pastor for Depression?
- Religion and Culture
- The Ashes of Our Idols
- On Christian Unity
- Christmas Communion Liturgy
- Thoughts on Maundy Thursday
- Making Beautiful Things
- Homily for Ash Wednesday
- Harmony of the Gospels
- Reformation Sunday
- Millennium Development Goals
- Guns, Cakes, and Gay Weddings
- Should the Church Bear the Welfare Burden?
- Caring for Pets after the Rapture
- Tradition and Bad Tradition
- Thoughts on Burwell vs. Hobby Lobby
- Advice for Christian Politicians
- A Mosque in NYC
- Usury in Oklahoma
- Thoughts on Trump and the Johnson Amendment
- On Not Understanding Prayer
- Prayer for an Isolated People
- Prayer for Memorial Day, 2015
- Ellul on Prayer
- Courage for Transformation
- Strength Enough?
- Penn Jillette on Science and Religion
- Homily for Maundy Thursday