A Prayerful Response
Nov 15, 2015 00:00
As we mourn for the lives lost this week in Paris, Lord, hear our prayer.
Almighty God,
We grieve this week,
crying with those who suffer,
lamenting with those who mourn.
Even in our anger,
May we always seek justice,
and never revenge;
healing, not harm;
and a measured response,
instead of thoughtless reaction.
When circumstances tempt us
to sink into the depths of despair,
may we hear the prophet’s voice,
as he surveyed the destruction of Jerusalem
yet still found hope,
“The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases,
his mercies never come to an end;
they are new every morning,
great is your faithfulness.”
When faced with the choice
between burning hatred
and callous indifference,
remind us again that there is a third way,
the way of love.
And may that love shine so brightly
that the entire world will know,
the light still shines in the darkness,
and the darkness will never defeat it.